
Apr 05, 2009 23:34

I responded to tinytexans meme of this nature. And the ebil ebil girl gave me 3 amazingly hard ones: Dave Gahan (frontman of Depeche Mode), Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy.

First of all, I would like to say, in all the memes I saw, there was no rule against shagging before throwing off said cliff. And I so want to shag all 3 but one has to fall...

CLIFF: Dave Gahan after I get one fangirl fantasy shag in...I mean if you have seen him in concert...without his shirt and singing and..and... cant help want to shag him. But, he did have his bad boy days and such, so I'm sure he needs a bit of disinfecting. So, as sad as it makes me, *push*

SHAG: Severus Snape. Wish I could marry him..but technically he's dead. That and a fictional character but I digress. I think he has a few too many issues that I'm not totally positive I would want to marry into cant let something this hot looking go to waste.

OMG - is that not just hot?! And the treasure trail? Yum!

Finally, I would have to say I would marry Draco. Of course, this is Reformed!Draco not Egostical Prick!Draco. There are so many goodies out there that I just had to show 2 of my darling "hubby":

Yes, I know its a manip but OMG - I don't care :D


Is that a bit of bedhead? Why, yes, I do believe so. LOL!
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