For those who don't know
lulabelle72 stop reading right now and go check out her journal! Fantastic writer, incredible sense of humor and quite the crafter! And these crafts are what I am here about. Now if you did not know...Lula has been playing with Sculpy(?). She has making Pretty Pony remakes, among other things. But she is most proud of (I think) her winged cocks. They are a sight to behold and a special one for
softobsidan74 Now what does that have to do with me? Well, I lurk on her site and others while at work. I have enough time to read and enjoy before I have to move on. So very little commentary but plenty of lurking. Anyhoo! My youngest daughter has many many many papers come back from preschool that she has colored on or drawn on, etc. And I don't always pay attention. So I stick them in a pile and think nothing of it. Except one day I walked past the pile and this page was sticking out more than the rest. And I was OMG! It's Lula's winged cock! This is what I saw:
I can't believe my child is coloring phallic symbols. Image to my utter horror at how badly my mind was in the gutter when I saw the rest of the image.
A dove...a poor little bird that I think looks like a winged cock. Lula's corruption is complete. I am going to anyone else on this bus with me?