
Sep 15, 2008 20:47

Survived another round of dramione_ldws! It's getting tight in the trenches! Started with 23 and now are down to 15!! I was kind of hoping to stay hunkered down in the middle a bit longer but people keep being picked off! But still: amazing challenges, authors and drabbles.

I rarely spout about real life but this is really bugging me. I am in essence a sub-contractor to a company. I can't take my business elsewhere as I am highly specialized. One of the workers of the company I do work for got an engraving machine also and I was told he would be getting all the bronzes. I talked to one of the heads and he assured me that I would continue to engrave everything I had been engraving - that this guy (We will call him Darryl) would be getting the new ones. This was all a hand shake type of deal (been working with them for over 6 years). Well, in all hell going wrong, the head had an accident and may not be back for months. So, another person has come in but is unaware really of how everything works. Darryl of course is busy kissing ass and brown nosing and trying to be indispensable. Told new gal that as he understood it, he would be getting all the bronzes. And to top it off, he's busy throwing the head, the manager and I all under the bus and backstabbing the shit out of us. Problem is I'm too busy actually doing my job, while he has everyone else pick up his slack, to be able to combat this. He has absolutely no ethics and I can only hope that when push comes to shove, the head will be recovered enough to explain it all.

So I'm a bit stressed, so expect bitter angsty or super fluffy (in order to compensate for rl bitterness) drabbles. Thanks for letting me rant.
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