I hate having to take my computer in for service. Seriously, who the hell sees a new anti-virus update they've never seen before appear in their icon box and say "hey, I didn't know I had that, I'll just press okay!"
But I hate not having my computer, I feel so disconnected. Read into that what you will, but it and the internet is a part of my life that I'd rather not do without right now. But it was only for a day so I managed.
It helps that I have a new toy to play with, my new Android phone. While I was up at my parents' the whole family upgraded phones. I am now an owner of a touchscreen Fantastic, which has an internet data plan allowing me to be on the net anywhere I am (and it is as well). I don't like having to write long messages of any kind on it, as the screen is small and it's time consuming, but I can when I know what I want to say.
Other than that, I've got a post or two in the wings of stuff I want to yap about, writing and what not.
I found
this Deviant trying to find a different specific picture. I don't know about the full costumes, but good god, check out
these masks. Damn.
Also, this is my new background.