Rorschach Title Meme: November

Nov 23, 2010 21:50

The return of a meme I created I was told to turn into a meme! Hurray! If you missed the last one,

Here's the downlow. There are 5 to 10 random title names I just made up. Your part is to come up with the genre you think that book title. Then, should you choose to continue it, copy and paste this part to your journal and make up your own titles. Wash, rinse, repeat. Have fun!

1. A Good Yarn

2. King Dragon

3. And Together We Perish

4. Twelve Points North

5. Child's Child

6. Crack Shatter Smash

7. One Soul, Spice to Taste

8. Genre World

9. Devil's Proposal

10. Crowded in Solitude

11. Hide Me From Myself

rorschach, titles, meme

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