Jan 28, 2005 14:04
bad dreams 1/28/2005
If dreams are really omens of the future, then my future is doomed to bleakness. I woke up just now from a strange dream. It makes little sense to me however what woke me up is that I saw/felt the car accident that I experienced in my dream. It was vivid and scary to the point where I passed out in my dream. All I remember thinking when I first woke was that I have lost my focus. That I can not continue to let anger rule my actions. But how do I stop that. I am so angry inside. These days I am anger at everywone. And it only gets worse. Each day I tell myself I am going to calm down, I am going to find my focus once more. All these exercises I am doing are designed to do just that. However, they are not working.
The omens for the future are very scary.