Jan 10, 2002 01:04
Well, I haven't been in here in awhile, since I started working. I found out that the job is much more than a file clerk. I am the human resources department for all Racetrac stores. I go through applications all day on the computer and decide whether or not people get hired, perform background checks, and so on and so forth. I am in Central Processing. I feel soooooo important....Woohoo!!! I finally have a real job, instead of retail and fast food bullshit. Thank God!!!! I was soooo sick of dead-end jobs. So, I made a new friend at work. Her name is Jenn and her boyfriend is on antidepressants and having a really hard time and pushing her away, so I told her she could call anytime for reassurance, since I have been on his side of it. She called tonight at 11:30 and we talked for an hour. She said since she had talked to me she might actually get some sleep for the first time in a long time. I'm glad I could help. She and I are going to go out to a couple of bars and play pool and listen to bands Friday night after work. It's nice to have finally made a friend down here. It's so hard to meet people at work when you work these bullshit jobs where most of the people you work with are in high school and have an attitude problem. So anyway.....Kayla, I am going to post a comment to your journal and then go to bed.....L8tr.