Times like this I feel I've come full circle and realize how much older I am. Gone are the days where we would rant, rave, and fight with people about all the shenanagins in this fandom. Some of us still do it, but on different platforms with a whole different approach. JKR, who I still love, has done some problematic things *Cough*TheEntireBackstoryToIlvermorny*Cough* that I wish she would at the very least acknowledge. I can't even ship Snape and Lily anymore because we recognize problematic behavior a little better now than a decade ago, and I've known enough teenage Snape's in my years since and I hate all of them. Looking back, I realize that ship was more of a result of me dealing with Harry Potter ending and looking for another big thrill to excite me (hence what lead to reading Twilight, dear lord.....). Harry Potter is and always will be the love of my life of book series. Like that first love from your teen years you've managed to still be friends with in your 30's. You still care deeply for one another and catch up from time to time, but you've grown too much for anything to work out like that again. And this fandom is the small town you both came from that you still visit, but can't look at the same way anymore.
Anyway, the whole point of this is that I almost cried reading this article and a little guilty for all times we mocked "My Immortal." I wish nothing but love for Rose Christo, and look forward to reading her story.
In Under the Same Stars, Rose Christo comes clean about My Immortal through a heart-wrenching tale about her time in the New York foster system.