But that's not the important part.
I reread the wank thread that went on over at HMS_STFU and tried searching other places, but
does anyone know where white women tears was even mentioned concerning STFU? I'm lost.
And note to the anons: white women tears can not be racist nor misogynist. It is a counter attack on white womenhood (or white women
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I'd say that has more to do with sexism within your ethnic group. Unless you mean that not everyone within your community is/looks white?
Let me clarify though, everything that I'm explaining (even the links I give) are more centered around U.S./North America race issues. White privilege is a worldwide thing, but I know things get slightly different depending what country or culture you're in since race is handled differently in different places. My only issue for this post was the anons' interpretation of white women tears, which I don't know how it exists out side U.S./Canada.
"That skin does not give me that much privilige, because no matter how white my skin is I don't posses a penis in my ethnic group and that is a drawback to having brains it seems."
Mostly because my mother is Japanese and my father is Caucasian, and that I look more white than Asian, but the way some people treat me can vary dramatically on whether or not they believe that I am white or have an Asian parent. Very funny and edgy lines like 'You have big breasts for an Asian' and 'Why do girls in Japanese/Asian porn cry? LOL'... are situations that aren't usually presented when somebody thinks I'm simply a white woman
Taylor Swift is one of our current popstars who's songs I admit or kind of catchy, but her lyrics have proven very problematic. The other problems she's caused is in article I linked.
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