I know everyone (at least on my flist), has some differing opinions about Ginny. But I think this letter is pretty spot on with what's she does in the books and why it should be praised. (Ironically, its the same reasons she gets bashed in fandom so badly.)
Also, I'm glad a feminist site did this. Sites like Feministing have done write ups on areas in pop culture, and I've been waiting for someone/something to do a blog post regarding attitudes toward HP's female characters. Particularly the misogyny in fandom.
The letter mostly focuses on the author's praise of Ginny, and how none of her baddass elements are in the movies, which I agree. But one thing the author points out is how she never takes anyone's slut shaming. I think that's one of the biggest reasons why I love her so much.
Anyway, read it! :D