Changes all around

Jul 29, 2010 15:35

It seems like everyone is moving lately. Everything around me is in upheval, not just because I'm moving back to Rochester from NYC, but also because so many people I know are hitting a point of flux in their lives. There seems to be this general cloud of anxious energy hanging around everywhere. I wish I could be more help to more people I know, but instead I'm getting my own stuff sewn up and trying to enjoy the last week in NYC. It feels so selfish.

We are mostly packed, with only essentials left out. Clothing and computers. Tonight we're packing up more stuff, then the final packing/cleaning push on Friday with hopefully some time to see a friend who's moving to the Bay Area before he leaves, and then the move on Saturday.

The hardest part of this move has been saying goodbye to people. Everyone's taking it differently. Some goodbyes have been decidedly anti-climactic, leaving me feeling almost like I've already been gone for a while, while others have been bitter-sweet, reminding me that we've made some really good friends here.

A couple of unexpected opportunities have opened up lately, which gives me the feeling that I've made a positive decision. It's also adding a small extra amount of stress to the week. Good stress, but stress none the less.

In between everything we've been playing tourists, hitting up some of the things we never had time for while we lived here. I finally got a chance to see the Statue of Liberty up close, she's a lot shorter than I thought. We both also got wicked sunburn early in the week when we decided to walk around a bunch of parts of Manhattan. We started down by Canal Street, then walked up through Greenwich village and over to the Hudson River Park, then followed the Greenway down the river all the way back to the World Financial Center, had lunch then walked down Rector to the subway. It was the last bit that really got us, since it was all in direct sun. I'm just starting to look better, and not like I've been boiled alive.

I'm really scattered right now. I keep jumping from project to project feeling like I'm not doing enough, or doing it fast enough. In reality, I don't have that much to do right now. Most of the packing is done, and I'm in the waiting phase of a couple projects. I've got my fingers crossed that everything works out as good as it feels like it might right now.

I hope everything smooths out for everyone I know, and some of this positivity makes its way to my friends.

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