Jun 09, 2012 18:54
I crave the anonymity that comes with urban living
To be lost among thousands of people
To have anything that I need only a few blocks away
In any direction I choose to turn
Appeals to the city dweller within me
And yet, I always return to the water.
I seem to be ridiculously happy when I stand on the beach
And look out on a great expanse of water.
The vastness of the world I’ve not explored becomes real.
It reminds me that there are always going to be places that I have never been.
This is not a bad thing.
It means that life is always full of options.
This thought,
The promise unspoken
That comes as the water laps against my bare feet,
As I watch the sun set on another day,
Help me get through the night
And take on the next day
And what may come with it.