Autumn Is Coming, and It's Glorious~

Aug 26, 2015 23:02

Ang and I have a new apartment!! I'm super psyched about it. I love it so much and it's ALL OURS. Our first official place that is just for the two of us. I'm really, really happy about that. No more roommates, no more restrictions. Just us being a couple and having our own space to do with as we wish. <3 It's almost like a dream come true~ ANYWAY, because we already have this apartment and we are getting keys to it either Sunday or Monday we get to move in soon! Which means--for once--that we are NOT moving on, right before or right after, Halloween! I'm as excited about that fact as I am about having a new apartment! My goal is to be all moved in and at least partially unpacked by the Autumnal Equinox--about 3 weeks from now. It's ambitious, but it can be done~ I have this goal because Mabon is a very special time of year for me. It's the first Pagan holiday I ever celebrated and it's the official kick off to my most favorite season: Autumn. <3 If we can move in by then and have things somewhat decently unpacked, I can celebrate my favorite season the way I always wanted to. I can decorate my house right for Samhain and even have a Halloween party. I can do all the Autumn festivities that are so familiar to me, but that I haven't been able to do the past two years because the entire season had been dedicated to finding a new house and moving in. I've already started my Autumn celebration stuff and doing all the fun Autumn things that I want to do as much as I can.

Thus far I've:

~burned a pumpkin spice candle
~had a pumpkin spice iced latte
~watched a horror movie (which wasn't actually horror)
~pulled out my favorite Autumn bag

Things I have yet to do this year, but am DEFINITELY doing now that I actually have some time in the season:

~watching Hocus Pocus (in October!)
~having a Halloween party
~going apple picking
~watching Practical Magic
~decorating that house properly for Autumn and Samhain
~having hot cider...or cider in general
~going to a haunted house
~visiting a cemetery and spending the afternoon (or evening) there writing
~possibly writing and releasing a piece of horror/Samhain themed piece of flash fiction (I have wanted to do this for years, but haven't yet. Because time)
~break out the Autumn icons
~Autumn photography

I am SO ridiculously excited about the coming months. I can't wait. And it feels good to be this happy and jubilant about the future, too. There have been some very rough days lately (I don't want to go into it here as I prefer to focus on the happy right now~), and it seems like things are finally starting to look a little brighter. Having my favorite season back to where I can appropriately appreciate and celebrate it is a huge "YAY!" for me. <3

I'll post pictures of our new apartment and such once we get moved in and unpacked a little. I'm going to try to update LJ a little more, and have it be more of a public thing as I've been longing for a public blog that isn't solely writer focused or Pagan focused, but is more of a way for me to share my general everyday life. I considered creating a separate Wordpress blog for that, but figured why not just use the blog I already have, know, and love? <3 (That said I still have to keep a close watch on time management. I eliminated my original Wordpress author blog and severely reduced my presence here as a way to get more time in my days and I want to keep on with that theme. But I think if I can have this double as a public blog and kind of do double duty all will be fine~)

ang and i, autumn

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