Cute Puppy Moments

Feb 07, 2014 10:32

The other night I came home kind of late and Ang and I came up to our room planning to cuddle and go to sleep. He came straight upstairs and I stopped in the kitchen to put some milk and other goodies away. After I got up here and shut our bedroom door, Brian comes over "I think Milo wants to say hi," he says cracking our door. Milo runs in here and immediately jumps on our bed to greet us. He had been locked in Brian's room with him (Brian is his owner), but when he heard us he had to come give us a puppy welcome home.

This morning, after Brian left, Milo started pawing at our bedroom door. He does this whenever he wants in or out. He's actually a very polite far as dog manners go :P Normally he'll just go sleep on the downstairs sofa. Today he decided he wanted to be with us instead. He jumped up on our bed and went back to sleep by our feet <3 I left the door cracked for him so he could go in and out (he gets a bit claustrophobic at times and I didn't want to be woken up again if he wanted out or back in) and when we woke back up he wasn't on our bed. I thought he probably went downstairs to his normal spot on the couch. Nope. He had just found a patch of sun on the ground and was sprawled out in it. He just got up a second ago while I was typing this, probably to go downstairs and eat something.

I have to admit. I love this dog. If I were ever going to have a dog of my own, I'd want it to be exactly like Milo. He's a calm dog that is well trained and sweet. Not to mention he's cute as can be. I think Ang agrees with me on this--Milo is pretty damn awesome. And we're both cat people! XD (Admittedly, I've just started identifying as an animal person :P)

Edited to add: Not two minutes after I posted this he pawed at my door wanting to come back in and is now up on my bed beside me, paws on my leg as I type. Yep, perfect dog.

animals, dogs

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