Journey Through The Tarot

Jan 09, 2014 19:48

So, at the very beginning of the year (which wasn’t all that long ago XD) I set some goals for myself. I wasn’t really going to make any resolutions, but let’s be real. The new year is a GREAT time to set the tone for the coming twelve months. It’s also a great opportunity to take stock of where you are in life and the things that you really want to accomplish. In my life, there is SO MUCH that I want to do and so very little time. Ever since I moved to New Jersey my life has become jam packed with things. I currently work 2 dayjobs, have a side gig dog walking/pet setting, and I'm still writing. On top of all of that, I have friends that I love hanging out with and a relationship that I want to spend time nurturing. So, if I want to get anything accomplished, I have to decide where I’m going to put my focus and what is most important for me to spend time on. One of the things I listed on my “Resolutions List” is that I want to study tarot cards.

I actually started studying tarot several years ago. I had found a deck that I absolutely fell in love with and decided “what better time than the present” to learn the cards? So, one by one, day by day, I went through them. I learned the meaning of the cards, wrote journal entries about them, and did daily card readings. Then…I’m not sure what happened. I started getting other decks and found that I wasn’t as familiar with the meanings as I thought I was. The new decks spoke to me in different ways and there were other meanings than the ones I originally saw. I wanted to make another run through, but things cropped up and I was pulled in another direction. But now, years later, I’m ready to start down that path again.

In the Autumn of 2012 I purchased the Shadowscapes Tarot. The deck was one that I had seen artwork for and wasn’t immediately drawn to. Until I went to the bookstore and held the cards in my hand. The moment I did that, I knew I had to have the deck. I waited for the perfect moment to buy it, and right before I came out here to visit New Jersey for the first time, I bought it. I haven’t regretted it.

For the past year I’ve been engrossed in learning the Runes. I had put tarot on the back burner as my spirituality took a turn I hadn’t expected it to. My “new” cards went everywhere with me and on days when I ran out of the house without drawing a daily rune, I’d turn to them.

After I moved though, and my life became so hectic, all divination tools were tucked away, quietly waiting for me to return to them. They weren’t forgotten, just…put aside. A few months ago I realized how spiritually disconnected and dry I felt, and so I vowed to return to it. I thought drawing Runes would help, and so I started up my daily practice of Rune casting. That helped, but minimally. Then, one day, randomly, I decided to draw a tarot card. No particular reason other than that I felt pulled to. That one draw was what reignited my desire to study the tarot.

One thing that really helped me when I first studied the tarot was making posts in my paper journal every day about the particular card I had drawn. When studying the Runes, I would make posts about them on Odin Devoted. I’m going to do much the same thing with this Journey Through The Tarot. My goal is to draw a card a day, and once a week make a post about either a specific card or about my journey working with the cards over on The Raven Scribe. I hope you’ll join me on this journey and follow along. <3

(Cross posted to The Raven Scribe~)

the raven scribe, tarot, spirituality, divination, pagan, runes

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