A Post!

Aug 26, 2013 00:29

I haven't updated Odin Devoted in almost two full weeks. That is so rare for me. I usually don't go longer than three days without updating it. But I got mad at Odin and pretty much told Him that until He quit dangling my Dream Life in my face and then yanking it away I wasn't going to do anything for Him. Erego I put Odin Devoted on hold. I made a post over there just now explaining where I've been and that I do plan to get back to updating at some point, but I need Odin to understand that there is only so much you can tease a person before they get fed up and say no more. I'm willing to do the things He wants me to, but He's going to have to not carve canyons into my heart all the time.

I also made a post over at The Faerie Scribe. I got inspired by Macklemore's song Same Love and since music features pretty heavily in the novel I'm currently working on, I thought I'd talk about music over there a little bit :)

Other than that, life has been pretty nuts. I'm driving my mom the rest of the way back to Indiana tomorrow (we're currently in West Virginia~) and then immediately taking a flight home, and after that hopefully things will calm down enough where I can get back to writing regular posts here. Because I miss this space and all of you. Sorry for the hiatus~ :) <3

the raven scribe, blogs, odin, odin devoted, music

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