My BehBehs

Aug 06, 2013 00:56

I talk to my mom quite a bit on the phone these days, and one of the topics is usually my kittehs. I miss them so, so much. :( Anyway, mom got the crazy idea today to put the phone up to their ears and have me talk to them.

When I was talking to Melodi she just stared at the phone. Like "I know this voice". A few minutes earlier she had been talking and I heard her meow for the first time since moving. I didn't realize how much I missed it until that moment.

A few minutes ago my mom put the phone up to Bubby's ear. Apparently the moment he heard my voice he started purring and kneading. A typical combination of things for Bubs to be doing, but the fact that he did it at the sound of my voice was so sweet.

I miss my kitties so much. Rogue is adorable and that dog has definitely grown on me--I'll miss her when we move out--but nothing replaces cats in my life. Especially my two babies back in Indiana.

bubby, melodi, cats

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