Signs of Spring

Apr 14, 2013 15:54

So, even though I got the cover for Rescued done last night, I find I'm still going to have to push back it's release date. It's just not ready yet, and I can't get it to point where I'd be satisfied with releasing it in two days time--even if I worked on it nonstop, which I can't do as I have to go to the dayjob for 9 hours tomorrow.  I'm...more than a little sad about this. I didn't want to push it back by even a day, but I'd be even more disappointed in releasing less than my very best than I would be with pushing back it's release. But I'm shooting for a Beltane release (May 1!).So to distract me from the unhappy feelings, I thought I'd talk about happy things and post happy pictures. :D

Spring has sprung everywhere around me. The grass is so very verdantly green, the neighborhood kids are outside shooting hoops, and last night my neighbors held the very first bonfire of the year. I've been noticing a few other signs, too!

The small trees in the woods out back are all green!

The local trees have buds!

Some even already have flowers~

And the Forsythias are in full bloom. <3

I'm wearing flip flops...

...and eating salads! I've noticed the past few years that when the weather turns warm I automatically eat better.

And I can't end this post without a cute cat picture. All our Daffodils are in full bloom, and Melodi just HAPPENED to be sitting by them the other day~ <3 <3

self publishing, pictures, writing, melodi, ss: rescued, spring

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