My latest Pagan Blog Project post (
Corvids, Crows and Ravens) is live! It's posted over at the site I've been working on for Odin--
Odin Devoted. I created it a few weeks ago and have been making random posts here and there, all having to do with Odin or Runes or anything that falls in His realm. I've been doing a lot of studies involving Odin and the Runes lately, and I've found that the more I do, the more He kind of takes over my life (I'm not complaining!). The idea for the website hit me a few weeks ago while I was at work rolling ham (weighing it out into sandwich portions) and I created the site a few hours later. I love it dearly.
When I first started the Pagan Blog Project I was just going to make my posts really random--about Cerridwen, Brigid, Cernunnos and of course Odin; or meditation and yoga and tarot, and some of those will still be tossed in there. But I've decided to use the Pagan Blog Project to deepen my knowledge and understanding of Odin and make as many of the posts as I can pertain to Him somehow--my goal is to have them ALL somehow pertain to Him. This week was the first in that goal. Next week I'll probably write about Draupnir as we'll then be on the letter D.
So my other site is going back to be a strictly writing site, and all my Pagan Blog Project posts will now be at Odin Devoted. Check there for new posts :) (Or you know, just look here as I'll link to the most recent PBP post here~)
When most people think of Odin and the animals He’s associated with, they think of Wolf and Raven (sometimes Eagle, and even more rarely Snake). They don’t generally think Crow. But Crows are Corvids just as Ravens are, and Crow has definitely acted as a messenger for Odin more than a few times in my life. In fact, Crow has acted more as a messenger for me than Raven has, if only because they are far more common in my area than Raven.
Comments are love, sweet
over thereWould be neat~!