She Comes And Works Her Will and Lets Her Songs Flow Through Me

Nov 28, 2012 19:45

Tonight is a Full Moon--the one nearest my birthday and Yule. It's also, fittingly, a Flameshift for me <3 Earlier while I was at work I knew exactly what I wanted and needed to do this Full Moon. There's a lot to be done. Angelo arrives in a week and I want to cleanse this space before he arrives. It's been awhile since it was done. My altar's been redone, shrines have been redecorated, I've been to New Jersey and back, and I've changed since I last cleansed this area.

Aside from all of that, I've been feeling quite disconnected lately. I've noticed this happening quite a bit lately, and I think it's because I get so wrapped up in everything else that I forget to give the same attention to my spirituality. Yet the moment the connection isn't there I notice it and suddenly feel...hollow. If I don't maintain that connection to my Gods then I don't feel right. The first bit of connection I felt was when I woke with a sun warmed face. So in addition to cleansing the space, I'll be doing "communion" as well.

One of my favorite pictures of Brigid--it hangs just above my writing space~ )o(
I also want to work with my tarot cards again. I got the Shadowscapes deck a few weeks before going to New Jersey and, while it's one of my faaaaaavorite decks, I have barely gotten to work with it as my life seems to have taken off at the speed of light and my focus is now on major life shifts. I know consulting my cards, and listening to the messages of my Gods would help me navigate some tricky things in my life, and I could definitely use that help. I want everything over the next year to go as smoothly as possible, from finding a new job to letting my current one know I'll be moving to Angelo meeting my family.

I have yet to write this ritual, which is tonight's task. Tomorrow, while I have the house to myself and the freedom to do as I need or want, I will perform the rite.

tarot, witchery, spirituality, full moon rituals, pagan, tending the flame

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