I have been bitten heavily by the Samhain bug this year. It's usually a little later (try October, at least) when I want to start putting out ghosts and gravestones and cob webs, but wow already I'm itching for this stuff. I have to admit that my mom's love of interior decorating has rubbed off on me. I love decorating for the different sabbats and seasons. Every year I want to do my bedroom in a gothic, haunted house theme, but I never do. Because it only lasts for a short time and the decorations can get a little expensive. This year, I don't care. This seems to be The Year of Dreams for me, so why not do this one, too?
I started today--just a little bit ago actually. I got a ghost to hang up and a goblet (held by a skeleton hand!) to place around. The other day I got a purple candle holder with a spider on it. I already have some stuff at home, too. This is a project I'm so excited to be working on. And I'm trying to do it cheaply, too. I love getting bargains and finding stuff for a song. Paying a lot of money for things is not my cup of mead. I shall post pictures when it gets closer to being finished~ For now, I thought I would show off my Mabon altar that I put together a week or so ago. It will soon be taken down and replaced with Samhain things, but I love this set up, too.
I hadn't realized that had come out so dark! The very top two shelves are comprised of stuff I got in New York and New Jersey. I thought it was important to have that as part of my altar setup since my focus is so heavily that direction these days. But I liked the idea of putting them as part of my atlar as a way to send that message to the universe that "yes, this where I am headed. This is where I want to be. Please make it happen."