Jun 11, 2009 07:05
It's been raining here for a couple days straight. Not just rain either, some really great Thunder storms. I'm not complaining, it's been kind of relaxing. I LOVE Thunder storms. They actually have two very different effects on me.
#1: Relaxing, soothing...good for sleeping.
#2: Horny. lol Seriously! Something about the whole thunder and lightning makes ya want to dive onto someone and go crazy! Is that just me? lol
Suns coming up now and the storm seems to be subsiding...I hope it comes back. I'm kind of enjoying it. :)
On a completely unrelated and silly subject, I bought a new vacuum cleaner! and I am WAaaayy to excited about it. It's red! -grins stupidly and then facepalms- Seriously though, I am ashamed of my "house-frau" (as Val calls it) nature with this whole thing. Ugh...I seriously should not care about this. There was a time when I was a regular and successful person who had more important things to think about then floor cleaning electronics. Like business, work, clients, going out with friends, driving my car...anything...but this. (Did I mention it has this special attachment that works like a tiny vacuum with a strong power so that you can use it on the furniture? Kill me.)
I suddenly feel as if I should work on my old business stuff and be productive...or something.
For now I'm gonna go with a book...maybe at least a book where I'm researching something. Yeah.
-runs off to do something intelligent-