Jun 02, 2009 12:22
Ok...so...I cannot begin to tell you how annoyed I am right now.
This morning, I needed to be up for the handy man to come by and fix the door. I went to sleep incredibly late or frankly, more early than late. So I only got a couple hours sleep. I thought, ok, I'll wake up, have him fix it and go back to sleep.
Guy comes in, seems..."nice enough" friendly or whatever. He's making conversation, I'm both tired and dumb enough to follow suit. We start talking about camping, I mention Loth. We start talking about rustic camping...first tip off I should have had: He tells me, "Pfft...you call that rustic camping..." Hmm...ok.
Then we're talking about Hobart. He tells me to say the name of the town...I do, he laughs at me and says, "We always make fun of the foreigners who can't pronounce HoBERT right." Wow...classy.
Then he brings up the theatre which is constantly showing "Rocky Horror". I smiled and said oh really? He says, "Yeah you freaks like that shit don't you?"
Things just keep going from there. He tells me hes homophobic, "I mean...I got some gay friends and that's fine or whatever but they start kissin' an stuff and I'm just like wtf that's disgusting man." Now I'm getting annoyed and start making a few comments PLUS I'm trying to get him to the door...he sets his stuff down in my hallway and keeps going. -facepalm- Before that convo was over he managed to fit in, "Yeah guys together is gross but you know I see some chicks making out it's hot." -blinks in a very annoyed fashion- Well at least I guess lesbians are safe from his hate crimes.
HERES the big one. I finally manage to get him to the door and he mentions the fact that he is arrogant. HE says "I am arrogant." With a grin like I'm gonna be impressed or something. He goes on to say that two other guys who work with him got hurt working and he said, "You guys should be more like me. (gestures to self) I'm perfect man. (stupid grin) I'm in perfect shape."
-Insert vomiting here-
He starts shit about guys who have got disabilities, injuries...now I'm getting pissed.
I mention how my husband has TWO replaced hips and is a budotaijitsu teacher. He makes fun of it...I get MORE pissed.
THEN!!!! He says, "So then I figure you guys both practice all that -waves hands- buddha stuff then."
Me: "Actually yes, we're pagans." -sound of bomb dropping- He acts ignorant. I tell him that he doesn't have any idea what it is and that he should try reading a book some time...like any book.
Him: "Oh -laughs- See now I'm the type of person that believes you follow one book and that's all there is to it. I don't need others. I go out, I sin, I do stuff that's wrong and then I apologize for it."
Me: "Yeah...see... we just DONT do shitty things instead of doing them on purpose and giving fake apologies. We just try being good to each other all the time, instead of when we feel like it."
Him: (all with a stupid grin on his face) Yeah well, it must be nice to do bad things all the time and get away with it because I believe it's no big deal.
Me: "I can't begin to tell you what's wrong with that sentence."
((Oh also somewhere in there, there was a comment regarding women being the originators of sin...and him mistaking the phrase "Goddess Religion" with GODLESS Religion. Yeah he's a real peach.))
How is it I am ALWAYS wrong on who is the right person to tell I'm a pagan?! People ask me about my necklace in a shop and I side step it, I find out they know what it is and are trying to talk about it.
I have a guy come into my house and chat, I am dumb enough to tell him. -sigh-
SO to sum up.
The "Good Christian" is:
Admitedly arrogant
Admitedly and purposfully "sinful", mocking the system by saying "I will just apologize later."
Sexist pig
Ignorant toward people with disabilities
I'm no expert but...at least TWO of those are on that list that Christians seems to think is VERY important.
That jackass would make Christians want to kick his ass. I know my Christian friends would be pissed.
So anyway, now I'm fuckin' pissed off and can't sleep. All around want to kick that guy in the balls.
ignorant handyman