Oct 11, 2007 20:59
Hey, there have been some hot words exchanged around here around these parts. That's fine, I do enjoy a lively debate. However, there are limits, and I'm posting this to make them known: lets not get personal. I do my best not to make person attacks, and by that same token, I won't receive them either. From this point on, let two things be known: First, it really doesn't matter who you are, I'd love to hear what you have to say. Please feel free to leave a note, if you'd like to. And the only restriction I place on that is that if there are personal attacks in your note, it will simply be deleted, because that's not the style of discussion I like to engage in.
Now in the most recent example of this, I believe my own entry was not well-written, or at least it was not the piece I wanted it to be. I suspect it came off insulting, and lent itself to the mud-flinging that occurred in response. While that's not the atmosphere I wish to cultivate, and I do apologize if I've offended anyone, I also want to make this "insulting notes will be deleted rule" as crystal clear as possible. It doesn't matter what I write - this is where I come to write down my thoughts, introspections, and feelings of an unmanly nature; the very function of this site means that I won't always self-edit my thoughts as well as I could. The things I write here are sometimes of a personal nature, and that's one reason why I don't feel a need to withstand attacks on them. In short: while I try not to be insulting, the rule is and always will be: I write whatever the hell I want here, and the reader is able, nay encouraged! to leave civil commentary on what I've written.
If you do read something I've written and take offense, I'm not asking you to stay silent. You can argue constructively or even just tell me "That offends me sir, I challenge you to a duel!" Actually, I'd like to know if I'm offending someone out there, so please tell me. All I'm asking you to do is refrain from personal attacks. This hasn't really been a problem in the past, so I don't expect it will become one - I just figured a warning like this was appropriate before I delete any notes.
You're all pretty much awesome, good day