Oh... Hi!
Ahem... yes... well... guess what?
It's been a long, strange road and it still isn't done.
Can you imagine that today was the first day that I've decided that I'm going to try to take back some control over my daily life?
Yupp. There it is. ^^
I've been doing nothing but working and working and just *reacting* to things for the last year.
I wake up early, run around like crazy, trying to get done in time to catch my train(s) to work. Then I work. All day. Without a break. I come home late, drop everything, make dinner, eat and by the time I'm done, the only thing I have energy left over for is playing a bit of WoW. Or reading. And then I fall into bed and the whole cycle starts again. Weekends have turned into cleaning-up-doing-laundry-sleeping-in days.
This is not the way to do things.
So here, now, today, I have decided to change this. Not the work part, that just needs to be done the way it is at the moment. But the private part. The part where I come home and *do* things that are good for me.
One of those things is losing weight, again. I've finally caved and joined Weight Watchers. My business partner has been doing the online program for a month now and she's really happy. And she's losing weight, doing it. Not fast, but steadily. And eating healthy at the same time. So I joined up. I'm doing it online, because that's a lot easier than trying to go to a group. I *don't* have time for groups.
And then I've decided that I would do one thing that isn't WoW every evening. Either something creative, or housework stuff, or doing my filing, or whatever. But something that requires more effort out of me than just turning on the computer and running around virtual worlds for hours.
I did the filing part this evening.
One of those things that I will be doing is checking into LJ again more often. Though I'm on Facebook most of the time now (not that I *post* anything there, but since we use it for business purposes, I have an account there) - you can find me
here - I will be adding LJ to my open tabs at the office. I probably won't be posting any more often than so far, but I'll be *reading* again.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to catch up with all your posts, so if there's anything particular that you think I should read, just let me know.
I have more to share - and will in the next few days - but I have to get it sorted in my head, first. :)
I missed you all... *HUGS*