A-Rod hits 500 homeruns!!!

Aug 04, 2007 14:34

omg, i'm srsly so exxxcited, this is such a gloriou-asssss day!

This was from 2001. A-Rod had just taken the highest salary ever at the time to move from the Mariners to the Texas Rangers, for a historical baseball context. And Doonesbury is set in Seattle.

Seriously though, I really wished Tom Glavine would've won his 300 wins, just because I like him better out of the three trying to get the major career accomplishments this summer. But, on the other hand, I'm kinda glad A-Rod got his shit before That Other Guy, just because I might hate A-Rod in many different ways (as seen here) but at least the only thing I worry about being near A-Rod's ass is a she-male's dick.

PS. I really hate how cold and corporate "America's game" has gotten (and dammit, I'm a Yankee fan!). Because there is no reason I should not have seen this goddamn game (at the very least so I could boo A-Rod from the safety of my E-Z chair at every at-bat) except, oh look! MLB & Fox need to suck money out of yoooou the stupid fan, because they want you to see their stupid game of the week (obviously not a Yankee game this weekend) at a 3:55 PM start (WTF that doesn't even make sense) and so any other local or non-local baseball games are blacked out for you. But, again. That's a rant for another time. I should go put on a shirt for Karen's party, lol, and stop yelling at the world =/

summer and rain, rants, yankees, baseball

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