hockey a sport of ...stupidity

Apr 09, 2011 21:45

   Rangers will face Caps in first round of playoffs. How long before someone brings up Tortorella-fan incident from 2 years go
4 minutes ago
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Remember they can lose yesterday against ATL but still sneak in through the buzzer. I believe I shall be cheering on South Jersey this year in regards to "local" -- and other teams that I will not jinx by saying. Because yes, I'm doing that OCD again.

Edit: Ohhh? Bob was pulled in the first? Uh oh, scooby.

The little goblin who lives under the bridges of New York (Stan Fischler) asked Broduer, who hates, hates, hates Rangers and Rangers fans and very rarely ever pretends he doesn't, he was asked some people will be cheering the Rangers because it'll still be a local New York (yes, fuck you) team. And Marty said, and I quote: "(I don't care for either team, Carolina or the Rangers) ...So, it doesn't really matter. I won't be watching the game." <3.
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