Friday Fun-Day

Jul 08, 2006 10:01

Went to the Getty and saw the Eliott Porter photography show (John, he is the originial Pioneer for Nature photography and does some really interesting and, in my mind, revolutionary, shots of what seem to be complete chaos in nature, you'd like it I think) and scanned the vistas of the Getty utterly amazed at how beautiful the day was.  It was a little hazy and a little bright, but all of the flowers were in full spledor and there were small asian children dressed in power-ranger muscle costumes and jumping off of the fountains (I'm so not making this up).   Then onto Burgermont station where everything was closed (including a photography show I wanted to see, pooh!) except for the functional art gallery, so I spent a happy length of time decorating my future house in bowls made from movie-ticket stubs and chairs cusioned with old jars.

Then onward to Santa Monica where I bought a shirt I had been lusting over at Patagonia (almost, but not quite, better than my paisly-red concotion) which has silver thread and a lovely patern in greens.  I think it'll look fab when i'm on stage with the lights bearing down receiving many snaps from the british poetry groups.  Huzzah!

I wondered around a few cool Jewelry shops and wished I was a man so that I too could wear big, moulded silver-rings with one tiny diamond and not look like a three-year-old who got into her dad's jewelry.   It was actually very pretty pewter-washed silver that would encase your finger from the nuckle to the base and had just this one, tiney glimmer in it.  I think i've found my future husbands wedding ring, but what about mine??

Then to a place called "World Cafe" which had the coolest bar and booths i've ever seen and a great patio where I sat and enjoyed a glass of wine and the best salmon-dinner i've ever had.  The bar had this amazing amber-tinted honey-comb window that covered the view to the street and was dark but, fortunately, not smokey, in fact, even out on the patio no-one was smoking which made it very pleasant and lovely (Jeffy, maybe you and I should go there for drinks next-time I manage to come out??) it was a hopping place on a friday and shortly after I got my table for one there was a wait curling casually around the front of the building, lucky me!  The food was AMAZING and the wine was Fetzer, which I actually like so it was tastey too.  Then a walk along the beach where I watched the sun set and dipped my feet into a suprisingly warm ocean.  Maybe Bree and I should go to the beach??

I'm looking forward to meeting Don Bachardy next week!  Very exciting.  In the menetime, I had such a good night. 
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