So I logged a bit early from the game today because I take gm call threats as serious, even though it's pretty unlikely the RMT who threatened will really call. The good thing is, it gave me a chance to organize my screenshots and make an entry so hooray!
After reading
This hilarious thread on BG forums I decided to give it a go. Took me about 4 hours to farm up 3 oils for
this quest but those 4 hours were absolutely worth it. I popped the tigers, as you can see in the screenshot above and ran for my taru life all the way to the north beach in batallia and d/c'd myself. Yesterday I kept logging too close to them and getting aggro when i logged back in. Today I refined my tactic and slept them then walked further away and logged out and this seemed to work much better. Anyways, here's some picks of the carnage:
Now, if you were the last taru fishbot left because all your buddies had died and someone slept these 5 tigers right in front of you and was logging out, and you happened to not be afk... what would you do? Would you run the hell away so you didn't die before those tigers woke up or would you shout in anger, welcoming death? Let's see what this taru did!
SHEET! I mean shit! I guess this taru decided to shout in anger since when I logged back in he was dead too. What a retard. After they all homepointed Battalia was nice and empty.
I still havent killed those tigers after 4 tries, guess I'll just have to pop them again tomorrow :D
Bonus pic: What's wrong with this picture?