So I know I keep telling my friends that I will post pictures of the new house soon, apparently my version of soon is a very long time seeing that we have now been living in the house for 4 months now. However that is going to change with this post because I am going to post some pictures : )
So a few cool things about the house, it is a 1933 Sears and Roebuck kit home, and for those of you that have no freakin clue what the hell I am talking about... The other cool thing about the house is we still have the original coal furnace and all of it awesome, huge ass, creepiness still sitting in the basement. It looks like something right out of a horror movie. On the outside of the house there is a cute little door that says coal on it and it is the shoot that leads to the coal room right off the room with the creepy ass furnace ( think Freddy Crugger movies)
All the rooms with the exception of the the kitchen, living-room and dining-room ( I have a dining-room again hehe) have the original hardwood floors, complete with news print stuck on one of the floors. Apparently back in the 30's they put new print on the floors, why I have no idea, and I have yet to find an explanation that makes any sense to me.. just something weird that they did, However in turn I have news print stuck to the floor of the spare bedroom, with dates on the news print for 1930 something, kinda cool... lol However we are planning on getting a sander and other lovely needed things and in the spring we are hopefully re doing and re sealing all of the original hardwood floors. ( I have to say after doing the re search on how to do this, it will be a bit of a messy and nightmarish project but it does need to be done)
The other little project that we are currently working on is the fireplace, which has a very cool 1930's cast iron and brass fireplace insert. I have currently been re searching these types of fireplaces because ours is missing a piece or two. So I have been trying to find a picture of something that is similar to our fireplace, so we know what the piece looks like and can have it fabricated. (It is good to be friends with an extremely talented Blacksmith * huge smile*) I have discovered two things in researching the fireplace. First thing is; to get a refurbished or replica 1930's/ 40's fireplace insert cost some where around $2000.00 to $4000.00. Second thing, it will give you a headache trying to find information about 1930's fireplaces.. Up until about 20 years ago, when people remodel, upgraded, or just tore down old homes, instead of sell, keeping or refurbishing old fireplace inserts from the 1930-1940's they just scrapped them... Hello junk yard... so find pictures, information etc etc is a true pain in the ass... yes I know we can remove it and put in a wood burning stove or something, but we really don't want to.
So as for the pictures well they are not that great and in truth, they were taken during different stages of unpacking... so yes it is messy... somewhat.
this is the living-room
living room the other half
dinning- room ( I have a dining-room again)
Emmy's room, it took for ever to unpack all of her
spare bedroom, you can kinda see the news print on the floor.. I really need to take some pictures of this room now that is set up and everything is put away lol..
the upstairs and my bedroom
I promise to post better and updated (as in all done unpacking ) pictures soon, : )
and my favorite picture... the ancient fireplace lol
after ... all clean...
anyhow these are pics of the new house, I will get outside pictures once the weather is a bit nicer..
: )