May 01, 2011 09:40
I love sunday mornings....
I was woken up by Satan this morning, rather early, to look at our window sill.. Apparently kitten britches had figured out which window was our bedroom, and had climbed the screen in a deseprate attempt to get in the house due to the rain... Spidar cat... spidar cat.... Pretty annoying, funny but annoying.
I love my cats i really do, but I have found that lately they are the MOST ANNOYING little creatures on the face of this earth.. Nor am I thrilled with the ongoin attempts by them to trip me when I walk through the house, why all three of them feel the need to be under my feet if I am walking thru the house, have no clue... but I REALLY want it to friggin stop!
I really do not need a cat entourage when walking room to room in the house...
I did have a rather enjoyable evening last night, I got to talk to a few friends I handn't spoken to in a couple of weeks, found out one of my friends is moving back to Athens in July. So exciting! Along with chance that another friend of mine possibly maybe moving a bit closer to me.
I did start a new journal on here, spent sometime yesterday setting it up. After much thought I decided that the amount of tags I would have end up using on this journal would have been a bit insane.. so it just made more sense to start a new journal... I have it linked to this page so it can be found easily, along with sending invites to a few of my friends on here...
Happy Beltane!!
well off of here to drink more coffee
Hopes everyone has a lovely day
life and such,