You know when you read a long, engrossing fic or book that's well written and just hits all of your buttons and when you've finished you feel kind of numb and like anything else you read right then just isn't going to compare?
That's happened to me twice in the last two days.
Which, yay for really awesome fic, but I still want to read something and so now I'm staring broodingly at my to read fics on pinboard and going "nothing looks appealing!". Which is quite a feat, since I have over 1300 to read fic links on pinboard... I have a problem.
On the other hand, most of these are probably better than working on the essay I should be working on, hah. Oops.
(If anyone's curious, the one from yesterday was
desynchronization (Hikaru no Go, Ogata/Sai, scroll down the masterlist to find it) and the one I read today was
Family Ties (Loki gen))
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