(no subject)

Aug 19, 2005 21:32


I'm sorry, that is the only thing to say... Was randomly looking through Alexandra Spears' journal and pulled some great quotes... Kori, this is like a national pastime for us


"The Sun Goes Around a Round Earth
I admit, I'm a geocentrist."

"Bush is Too Liberal"

"Bush is Too Liberal"

"Men's roles and women's roles are supposed to complement each other. Otherwise you have too many chiefs and not enough Indians (I can say that 'cause I'm part Cherokee)."

"The Sun Goes Around a Round Earth
I admit, I'm a geocentrist.
Just to let you know up front, knowing that the sun goes around the earth does NOT mean you're one of those flat-earth nutjobs."
Well, at least she isn't crazy

"I'm tired of the judges who say "it's about the law." What's the law based on, guys? The Constitution, which in turn is based on--drumroll please--the BIBLE!!! You really can't separate them."
Yeah, never mind that seperation of church and state... Ah hell, lets just go all out and be a Christian Taliban

"And of course working women clog the job market."

"As a behavior that's changeable, homosexuality is not protected by the Constitution. Gays are born that way, you say? Well, mosey on over to http://www.idoexist.com and check out the stories of EX-gays! They couldn't have changed if it was genetic"

"Oppose the gay agenda. Then we can rightfully ask God to bless America."

"Christian parents are to instruct their children according to the Bible, and that excludes pagan holidays. Ironically enough it pretty much got me put out of a Baptist church."
The Baptist Church doesn't even want this lunatic. xD

"Before you think me stupid or a drone, let me rattle off a few of my talents:

--Computer skills
--Some mechanical ability"
Alexandra, repent your lies.

"Thank feminism for the folling:

--Rise in crime rate. A lot of this is the result of fatherless homes.

--Rise in child abuse. Legalizing abortion helped create a mindset that children are mere property.

--Low-paying jobs. Women in the workforce have the same effect as illegal aliens coming here and taking our jobs. Think about that one. I do recognize that some women have to work--but if you can, you should stay home.

--Under population. Thanks in part (a huge part) to legalized abortion, birthrates are BELOW replacement level. Which means negative population growth. Overpopulation? Don't see it. Just the opposite.

--Women scarred by abortion. Legalizing it did not make it safe. Women still die of LEGAL abortions. Besides, just because you die doing something stupid (like trying to kill someone) doesn't mean you should make that stupid action legal to begin with!"

"My husband commented on how shrill and emotional female supervisors can be where he works. I know he's not kidding because I used to work at the same place. Men tend to be more rational. (So much for the men-are-more-violent shtick.)"

"Looks like J.K. Rowling's been casting a spell of her own. And I don't mean that in a positive way either. I've seen one of my husband's co-workers carrying one of her books around!"
Oh nooooooooooes!!!1!!111!

"I remember watching the Disney Channel about 20 years ago (yes it was available in the 1980s) and seeing Jiminy Cricket referring to humans as animals. Um, no, Jiminy, humans are not animals--evolution is nonsense!"

"Disney's just as guilty of packaging witchcraft, paganism, and New Age stuff as good, clean entertainment as J.K.Rowling, in my opinion."

"So if you're dead-set against any kind of witchcraft, can you honestly find a woman flying via umbrella okay? Or how about jumping into those pictures?"
This is about MARY POPPINS

"BTW, if you want to immigrate here--do it LEGALLY and learn to speak English! That is our official language, like it or not. When in Rome, do as the Romans do--don't expect the Romans to kiss your rear and do things YOUR way!"
Yeah, I'm sure her ancestors spoke perfect english the second they got here

"Note to MOTU-POP crowd: I'm not into that nonsense anymore. Too feminist for one thing. And magic is the other issue."
(Masters of the Universe and Princess of Power aka He-Man and She-Ra, the 80s catoons)

"I also plan on home-schooling my son. I do not want to put him in public schools, aka government indoctrination centers. Bunch of socialists running those."

"I think having a job outside of home is drudgery. I know because I've been there."
Note: This is probably because you didn't go to college and married someone who isn't even recorded as graduating high school, and have only worked in fast food and a Frito Lay factory, you stupid slag

"I stopped watching pro-wrestling because it's a bit too violent for my liking. Yes, I know it's put on, but I got really sick of Triple H spouting nonsense with the rest of them."
I'm not so sure she knows it is put on. She says she does, but then that last bit... God what a twat


alexandra spears

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