This front page article in the Free Press Leader something you may need to take a course of antibiotics for, to help you get over it.
O.K so, we are looking at an enlarged pic of a woman and she dont look too happy.
"Hey honey, we have a housing chrisis in Victoria so we thought the best solution was to send all you unwashed masses back to Bendigo where you came from and show you how to dig it"
"Huh?" .... "I was a community development worker, I have done volunteer work, but because I'm a single mum it's this stigma. They dont want to rent to you." But moving to Bendigo comes at a cost, "I dont know anyone there and it's taking $2000 to transport my stuff there," she said.
Meanwhile somewhere around the Sherbrook Forest a Katrina Shaw lurks about ever watchful as the wary crow is that Shaw... Sure! They shafted Shawy once AND they shafted Shawy twice but now Shawy says with two fingers stuck firmly in the air, you can get fucked cos they aint Shaftin Shawy again!
I'm making my list of supplies to get from the Army Disposals,
you know,
The swag,
The Tent,
The billy..etc etc I could be camping out there all the way through to the summer time, so like.. I wanna be *prepared.
*Katrina has an olde skool education. Remember how Katrina went to Whore school.. St Kilda Alternative School? Well they used to take the kids out on brutal camping exhibitions to proove they would survive. Good.. so now Katrina knows she can survive she dont have to suck on no cock no more!!!