When the Roman Empire collapsed lots of satisfied Celts came forth to reclaim the land they had previously lost to the empire....
...also hordes of Anglos and Saxons came to join the party.
The Celts made ‘the first mistake’ again and so history had been repeated, only this time it was the Anglo-Saxons enslaving the Celts.
The word slovenly comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word sloven, which means slow and has evolved to encompass other meanings; 1515, "low, base, lewd," later "untidy, dirty" (1568), from sloven "immoral woman" (c.1450), probably from M.Flem. sloovin "a scold," related to sloef "untidy, shabby," from P.Gmc. *slup- + O.Fr. suffix -ain, from L. -anus.
When 15 year old Katrina was removed from a mainstream school by her parents because they said her friend was a bad influence, she was satisfied and went forth to attend St Kilda Alternative school instead…
…also hordes of kids from all over state came to join the party.
Katrina had made ‘the first mistake’ again and so history had been repeated, only this time it was her family enslaving punks.
*The First Mistake, is of the series of mistakes mankind makes that results in a people being trapped in an imperial state - a prison. The first mistake is to claim you have a natural right to a place.
So what place was Katrina claiming as her natural right then? Of cause the family home is the natural place of right for a child, it’s normal for kids to claim their parents home as theirs! So…what was Katrina doing then? Making a home of the alternative school? Making home of the streets? Why wasn’t she enjoying the home she had?
Maybe her parents had made The First Mistake themselves and had been trapped into an Imperial state and relieved to see people onto Katrina for acting backward, were released from their prison. Maybe, just maybe the parents were that backward to trap themselves into an imperial state they callously used their own child to relieve themselves from the pressure that was imprisoning them.
Or maybe Katrina is just a slow, low, base, lewd, untidy, dirty, immoral woman to scold.