I'm feeling like I want to get into more "regular" blogging. Like, actually writing articles instead of drive-by rantings, and I don't want to do that here. Mostly because I'd like to keep this my semi-secret, fandom, crack place. I have an old Wordpress site that I've been dicking with (originally conceived to be an online resume, but that... didn't work out), and I can port over some more of my more "public" posts from here and link to recaps from when I was a writer for TVOvermind.
But I wonder what I should I write. Go back to doing the occasional recaps? Toss up all my movie/comic/tv/book feels? Politics?
IDK - I guess I'm feeling unfulfilled with my writing and since I know I'm rubbish at regular fiction writing, smaller, article-type things might be better.
Ideas, thoughts, GTFO?
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