Friends Only

Jan 05, 2006 21:49

My Apologies, but this Fandom Journal is now Friends Only - please comment to be added (feel free to let me know why you wanna be added - all comments will be screened) and friend me, I shall reciprocate as soon as I am able. (It may be a few days or so, but I will indeed friend back).

Again, sorry for the inconvenience - please don't let it scare you away!

All Fanfic/Fanart is sorted in ravenpan_fandom's Memories!

Edit: Also, please friend me - I'm likely to go through on occasion and delete anyone that isn't mutualfied, and I don't want anyone missing out! Mostly the reason is to attempt to avoid flamage, as well as to have a better idea of who's still around *small smile*

Edit2: everything can also be found (mostly unlocked) on Greatest Journal, Insane Journal, and Journal Fen -- I am currently working on archiving my fics elsewhere and will note here when I have done.

EDIT 3 (Jan2008)- READ!!!! Livejournal has changed this from a shared journal to a community journal. What means, is that I can no longer approve you for reading locked posts without you joining. Go HERE to join, and once I've gotten the email that you've requested, I will approve the request to read (not post, only I can post here) the comm. Sorry for the inconvenience, just LJ being annoying and changing the rules on us.


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