Shana Tova! - Eid Mubarak!

Sep 30, 2008 10:17

Rosh Hashana and Eid ul-Fitr happen side by side this year, even overlapping. A New Year, and a Festival of Joy and thanks. Seems pretty harmonic, doesn't it? To me, this says it really is time that people learn to accept each other. Let's start the new year with peace, and keep it as such for a long time to come.

Stop the hate. Coexist. Let's have Peace for a change. U2 put it well. 'We're all sons of Abraham'.

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When things like this happen, it just breaks my heart. Why? I just.... kiri_l wrote copied a post about it far more eloquently than I here.

[kiri_l asks: "If you support the right of everyone to peacefully worship as they believe, whether or not they believe as you do, please post this in your journal." - I'm gonna put it in a box for easy cut and paste coding - you'll need to add a < / textarea> to the end, the box cut it off for some reason.]">">