Cae did it so I have to too right? Will steal some a her answers, k.

Apr 28, 2008 20:34

The A-Z of moi.

A is for Age: 34

B is for Beer of choice: Stella.

C is for something you Crave: Colin. :D

D is for your Dog's name: Can I do cat instead? Duncan Thor.

E is for an Essential item you use Everyday: Toilet

F is for Favorite TV show at the moment: House. Whose Line is it Anyway is forever and always. :D

G is for favorite Game: Zelda.

H is for Home town: Knoxville

I is for Instruments you play: Flute and bells

J is for favorite Juice: hydrogen/oxygen juice

K is for Kickin' ass: I do not engage in cruelty towards donkeys. (lol cae)

L is for Last place you ate: Sweet Tomato

M is for Marriage: No ta. (what does that mean? ta?)

N is for your full Name: Vera Thor

O is for Overnight hospital stays: Not one overnight hospital stay thus far. *knocks on table) Oh cept when I was born I guess.

P is for favorite Place: There's a park in Vienna. In the park there's a pond with swans. It's like total nature except you can still see the tower of St Stephens. I love that odd mix of nature/city.

Q is for Quote: "MEOW"

R is for biggest Regret: Being born. (Dude, I'm totally kidding)

S is for Status: Uh....Whut?

T is for Time you woke up today: 7:10 (I overslept)

U is for Underwear you have on now: big ole granny tidy whities.

V is for a Vegetable you love: baby carrots

W is for Worst habit: Prorastination.

X is for X-rays you've had: Two on my right hand on account of dishwashing accidents.

Y is for Yummy food you ate today: Huge salad with lots of leafy greens and stuff that i lurv.

Z is for the Zodiac sign: Virgo.
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