(no subject)

Nov 07, 2007 21:38

SO I don't know about you all but my friends page is D-E-A-D DEAD!

So I felt like posting a bit.

1. I got a Nissan Rogue! IT IS SO COOL!!!!! It has 59 miles on it. So it is BRAND NEW! I love it. Itis beautiful and sassy and lovely. :) I have a request. :) The car is called Rogue. Since I have a white streak in my hair, I am sometimes called "Rogue" for the x-men power frau. So... I would like to get either a license plate or a simple and small colour form that has a simple picture of Rogue from either the comic book, cartoon or the movie... I don't care which, to display on my new vehicle. If anyone knows where I can get something like that online....

Also we all name our cars here. My mom's truck is called Tommy, my friends Jetta is called "Dot" etc. So I had to pick a name for my Rogue. hehe Soooooooo... Caroline (who is Austrian) said that Austrians always pronounced Rogue "rouge" hehe. So I decided to name the car "Mulan." hehe "Mulan Rogue" pthth.

It's beautiful and I'm so glad I got it instead of a stupid sentra. or a vue.

So come on to Atlanta and take a ride.

2. I'm going to Chicago again after Thanksgiving. My little best friend is getting married. Since she's a foreigner, and since she wants to have her wedding in Austria, she has to get a green card before she marries an American in her home country or they won't let her come back into the US. Sooo she and her dude are going to the marriage court, signing the papers, and getting officially married with no ceremony whatsoever, so that she can get her green card. I don't haaaaaaave to go. But she wants me to be there and I want to be there too. :) November 26th is the day. hehe

This next part is gross... it involves bums and weird things that get in/ come out of them.

3. Duncan Thor is being tutored and cole slawed next week. :( I don't believe in getting cats declawed. But since I live at my mom's for now and both of her cats have no scratchers, I have to get boy's ripped out too. It's just not fair to them. I talked with my vet for a long time before I made the appointment. She is very good with cats and Duncan loves her and she's well respected in the vet world. And I've learned to trust her and am glad that Duncan's in her care. I wasn't very happy at his old vet at all. She said she had been doing the surgery for years and if you get it done while they're still really little, they really don't miss them. Especially if they're indoor cats, which he will be. Good lord, after all the parasites he had, there's no way I'm letting him outside. They get friggin worms from everything they touch. And other ickys too. And if they get fleas... once you get rid of them, you can pretty much guarantee that they have tape worms. ICK! (little slimy, wiggly pieces of rice coming out of your cat's butt? no thanks. I forgot what roundworms come from. Mice? kittens get them from mother's milk. But long white pieces of spagetti. yep pulled one out of boy's bum. was gross.)  Also  with the advances made in vet technology, they no longer need to make incisions to perform the procedure. She does it all with lasers. So there won't be any bleeding and it will take less time for him to heal. Anyway, I thought about it and I mean, we all talk about how wonderful it is to neuter/spay a pet. But that's mutilation in a way too. Just like declawing is. (and no, not all of me agrees with that statement. Neutering is by far more noble than declawing. But... whatever gets me through this.)  Anyway I feel better about getting it done. Plus the fact that I have a billion and one scratches on my arms. I look like... um... something that's been scratched a lot.
Ugh. He has to stay there overnight and I am gonna miss him. Poor baby. I love him. :)

4. I got the Whose Line DVD! I've only had time to watch the second disc's extras. Silly me thought they were alllll gonna be on the second disc. But there's stuff on disc one I guess. hehe And I guess that's where all the good slash is. hmmm

5. Still waiting for the tickets to go on sale so I can go see Colin Andrew Mochrie's purty head and otherwise gorgeous self live on stage right in front of my eyeballs. I so cannot wait for that day. And I'm gonna drive my Rogue over there! Mom is going with me. Can't wait.

So... If you've made it this far in my ramblings, I have a question.

I want to see everyone's Christmas gift lists. Who are you buying for? What are you thinking about getting them or have already gotten them? What would you get Colin and Ryan if you could give them a Christmas gift? What should they give each other? hehe

I have no idea what to get people this year and I have little money. I just bought a car and I'm spending $550 on Duncan Thor next week. (Rabies shot and some meds are included in that bill.)

But here's my list:

Mom - Dunno. I wanted to get her a digital camera. But I don't know if I can. I still have to think about it. I got her some pretty Peridot earrings already.
Dad - Starbucks gift card and a shirt
Josh (Brother 1) - battery charger and a tie
Luke (Brother 2) - a gift card to an army surplus store (where he gets his favourite shoes)
Emily (Luke's girl) - dunno, probably candles
David (Luke's girl's son - my "stephew") - some kind of toy

Grandmother - She likes word search puzzles. So I always get her a few puzzle books. This year mom and I have been making her a quilt that is a word search with the names of the clan members on it. It's pretty.
Aunt - free sterling silver jewelry from silverjewelryclub.com (I've used it already. It's legit, it's good, and you only pay $ for shipping)
2 of my uncles (Greg and Tim) - Greg likes golf, Tim likes cars... dunno.

Caroline - well I already spent $400 on her this year because I went to Vera's wedding just because she wanted me to go with her. And ended up making a fool of myself when I read in the ceremony. (Yes I caused haha to happen). And I'm flying up again to be at her secret official wedding. So, she's part of the reason I'm broke. But I will give her a $100 gift card toward her wedding dress and a big huge hug.
Jeremy (soon to be Mr. Caroline) - I found "old fart" slippers in one of those catalogs that are so full of crappy junk. You know the ones I mean. Anyway... they actually fart. hehe He's hard to buy for and he never gets me anything so I usually just get him joke gifts like that.

Tracy - After Caroline, I've never had a better friend than Tracy. (This doesn't count my mom). She has suffered with asthma her whole life and is allergic to animal, but wishes she could have one. I found a ridiculously life-like kitten, in a litte tiny sheep linied bed. It just lies there and sleeps and purrs. MOm had one, and we put Duncan in it when he was just little so he could snuggle up to it and pretend it was his mommy. He is now nearly twice its size. haha. Gosh they sure grow fast. Anyway it's from PurfectPetz. I got her that.

Karen - Something with Wonder Woman or Chyna on it.
Tammy - Gift card to someplace for home stuff (new apartment)
Brenda - a japanese tea pot
Sonja - She wants a purse like mine. It's just a cheap back pack purse. hehe 
Jennifer - um ??? Iffer? hehe Oh right I'm lighting the candles for you while your away. haha
I might get some other people I work with some small thing or just bring candy. "I'm known as the "Snack Fairy's Elf" now)
(Girls I work with)

What I would give Colin? hmm a face mash. um a hint that divorce is the best rootroute? hmm A trip to Scotland? A trip to Bellingham? A special warp machine that takes him directly to Ryan? hmm. A Ryan blow up doll?

Seriously. If I could do it in time, and if I had the money, I would send a first edition copy of "The Shining" up to Maine and ask Stephen King to sign it to Colin, and then send it to Colin. :) That's what I would like to give Colin for Christmas. If he doesn't already have that. Which he could very well.

Ryan? I dunno. I'm more "in tune" with Colin. If you can call it that.

I would give him a bed shaped like an airplane. hehe or a flight simulator... So he can practice flying without leaving his home.

NOw, if I could... I would morph into a fairy and somehow magically make it possible for those two to be together and possibly do a show together.

For now, I'll just get Ry a bottle of gin. hehe and some cigars. Or maybe a t-shirt that says "I WISH I was with him" hehe

I can't start thinking about what Ryan should give Colin. But here's my suggestion. hehe. Since Colin likes Fred Astaire, but can't tap dance. Ryan should lead Colin to a dance floor, turn down the lights and turn on a spotlight, turn on Colin's favorite tapping song, and go off to the side and do the sound effects of the taps while Colin dances. hehe Private Sound Effects game. That way, Colin gets to be a brilliant tapper for a bit.  :) And then they do it. hehe (If anyone wants that plot bunny, have at it.)

What Colin should give Ryan? I'm quite sure that himself would be enough. And Ryan already has that. :) Colin should give Ryan a photo diary that he puts together over the course of a year. With pics of his shows, candid shots of him drinking coffee, answering ask Colin questions, travelling. hehe whatever else *wink* (ALONE OF COURSE).

Or play a private game of narrate with him... "His dick was as long as a javelin, and twice as thick." *lol*

okay... I'm getting crazy here.

So... sorry this is so long, but I was tired, but not qute sleepy enough for bed and I have a lot to tell, and no one to tell it to at the moment cuz everyone else is either away or in bed.


I wanna see everyone's gift lists and Colin/Ryan gift ideas. hehe


hey now I can honk *HONK*
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