Jul 18, 2010 12:13
There's one at the antique store down town... if only i was independently wealthy. I will brush it and squeeze it and Mushi will sleep with it... we'll be a big family!
Good news: May finally be getting a car that runs, stops and holds itself together. Crossing my fingers. Dodge stratus, silver. Should know by tomorrow when i can get it. Then i need to pay my grandmother back...
Also good news... i may have a job.
Bad news: dad went on a cleaning trip and tried storing my artwork in the shop attic, where hordes of little paper chewing mice live. (yes... really) Got into a fight about how crazy i was to be pissed off that he would treat the fruits of my 6 years of study in such a way. Still pissed.
Good news: Working on a few commissions. Hopefully will get the agreements finialized this coming week and can dive right in.... AFTER harbor-fest... because if all this works out right i'll be going up north to hang for a while, watch some fireworks, light some fires. And generally have fun.
Bad news: pretty much destroyed my right arm on Friday... weed whacking. I was in horrible pain (bout a 9 on the medical pain scale) all day. Pain pills didn't hit it... so i did a few shots of JD and went numb. Also bad new... i'm drinking again. Thanks family you just bring out the best in me don't you...
Neutral news: have to fix the wireless again... hate that router. hate hate hate.