this post is PUBLIC-I have nothing to hide.
awwwwww,lookie what i found in a LJ reply i made:how sweet,almost like xmas.Those kids try so hard.
flintultrasparc replied to your LiveJournal comment in which you said:
*Yawn* ( in response to saying that his ARA chapter in Baltimore was printing up tshirts and such with their 'logo' being "smasy-smashy".)
Their reply was:
Subject: Re: "smashy smashy"
Everyone is a critic.
Don't you have torchlight marchDeath in June show to goosestep to?
Give my love to Sprite.
my response being:"the only love he gets is in the gutter,where he belongs".
fuck-face,feel free to flame this loser at Will.
edited to add:ohhhh,looks like this little whatever-you-wih-tocall-him has already had a go-round with Polina,who is promoting the NY DIJ shows: