so,let's begin,shall we? I flew out of Chicago on Friday morning and was the lucky recipient of the "extra screening" process that our lovely government is so fond of at airports.They said I had been selected and would require additional screening(I needed to catch my flight within 20 minutes of this).They went through my bags,dumped everything out,felt me up a few times.I felt violated and annoyed because they would'nt tell me why i had been singled out(I bought my airplane ticket last minute) when I voiced my concerns,they tried to call a specialist in to discuss it with me,which only annoyed me even further.They looked at me funny when the scanner went off around my chest area,I had to explain that I had body piercings.Made the flight,arrived 4 hrs later in Seattle,upon where after a 4 hr trip(3 buses and a ferry later)I arrived at my friend's house.It was really nice to catch up....took the Greyhound bus another 4 hours to Portland,where I've been since.
This place is very cool.The people,for the most part,are extremely interesting and friendly,but not overly-so(as like say,in LA).They have a very vibrant,tight underground experimental the venue(the Doug Fir Lounge,which in itself looks like a scene in a David Lynch movie)started to fill up,I saw many familiar faces(people that had been at the Current 93 shows in Toronto).Stapleton seemed very pleased and delighted that I had shown up,after he had a chance to recognize me in the dark room(he was also a bit knackered,having been en route 18 hrs in the air and just coming from Africa).My friend
xaostar and his girfriend went also..I finally met chris from Beta-lactam Ring Records,as well as his wife..both super nice people.Talked to many cool folks,one guy wearing a unicursal hexagram pendant,I really thought he was one of the surprise musicians,he had a certain air of mystery about him that seemed to draw you in,I talked to him for a bit and it turns out that he does several music projects in Portland(who doesn't?:P).I gave him my email because he was interested in seeing my photography once my website is finished(remind me to print up business cards when I get back home!).Colin Potter opened up the 1st set,musically.he was pretty good.Second up was he 2 brothers from Toronto(one of them being Mark,who promoted the C93 shows)..they were fantastic,improv on strange instruments..and lastly,Mr.Stapleton did his eclectic Dj set from the booth,there was a good buzz in the place all night long.(the white russians didn't hurt,hehe).I forgot how much I love Seattle until I visited again(it has been 10 years at least since I was out here last) but I can definitely see me falling into place comfortably in the Portland way of life.
So,I'm off to meet
durtro93 and her friends.Last night after the gig,we went to a club called "Noir".It was ok,the DJ was cool and I was pleased to hear Death in June,Coil and more..I even ran into my friend Mike,whom had moved from Chicago a year or 2 ago.We are supposed to get together for coffee sometime Monday.At some point,I am going to find Ozone Records to look for some imported Coil material..I called Beta-lactam Ring Chris earlier who told me that there is a very special surprise happening at the art showing so I must get there a little early.I'm looking forward to meeting
carolee and seeing
katheudo again.Anxious to know what is happening,in any event,I'll have my camera close by!