Title: Paint You My Soul
ravennightmare6Chapter: 2/??
Genre: AU, Supernatural, Horror (ish)
Rating(Overall): NC-17
Pairing/s: ??/??
Synopsis: Let me bleed you this song of my heart deformed. And lead you along this path in the dark. Where I belong 'till I feel your warmth.
Warnings: Profanity, Violence
Disclaimer: As unfortunate as it may be, I do not own The GazettE. I only own the mediocre plot.
Comments: This fic is one of my old ideas that I’m reworking to suit the Gaze-fic fandom~ Also, the entire fic is loosely based off the song
Vampire Heart by HIM. More at the bottom, darlings <3
Previous Chapter I woke the next evening with perfect timing; just as the sun was setting. My outfit of choice that night was some black skinny jeans that were adorned with safety pins, a loose, half open white shirt with the sleeves rolled up and a black vest over the top. I applied a thick layer of eyeliner around my eyes to give the illusion that they were larger and deeper than they really were. Pulling on my heavy combat boots I laced them up and walked out of my apartment, feeling a little peckish but not too bad.
Once I was out on the street I stood in the door of my apartment, making sure I was in the shade as the last few rays of sunlight disappeared. As soon as I was sure I was safe, I stepped outside into the dying sunlight. I wouldn’t burn because only direct sunlight can kill me. I walked down the street, past bustling humans, hurrying to get home after a long day of tedious work. Though, being a Friday night, some were heading out for a night on the town; to night clubs and bars.
I spotted a pair of babbling girls who were dressed up like some kind of silly gothic Lolita dolls. Humans; sometimes I never understood them at all. Especially the ones of the teenage variety. They were talking so loud that I couldn’t help but hear them even. They were one hundred metres down the street, but my enhanced hearing picked up their entire conversation.
“Oh my god,” squealed the girl with black and blue hair. “Can you believe we’re going to this concert?”
“I know!” Yelled the other one, with bright red hair. “It’s going to be so much fun!”
“Hmm,” I mumbled to myself. “Sounds interesting.”
I loved concerts. There were always lots of bodies pressed into a tight space, people’s blood was rushing through their veins and no one would be suspecting anyone to go missing. Everyone was always too busy paying attention to the artist performing. It was the perfect place to snatch up a meal. Even though I’d only just eaten the night before I still didn’t mind feeding more often, it wouldn’t hurt me to.
As the girls walked past me, I waited until they were about fifteen metres in front before I fell into step behind them, following them down the street. Even when they turned a corner or were out of my sight it was easy to follow them; they had a distinctive smell. It was something mixed between way too much hair spray, floral perfume and teenage hormones. They continued to gossip about pointless issues, they were quite annoying to be honest; their voices were shrill and irritating. I did my best to tune them out as I continued to follow them towards their destination.
The walk didn’t take long and we arrived at a local club that I had not bothered to learn the name of. There were more people milling about the entrance, obviously waiting to get in, who were dressed similarly to the girls entering the building. I stopped and looked around; examining the structure before I decided that it wouldn’t be at all hard to slink in through the back, as there were men at the front door checking people’s tickets.
I slunk around to the back of the building, completely unnoticed by anyone and everyone. I found a window higher up, just out of reach. Listening intently, I came to the conclusion that there was no sound coming from inside the room and it was safe for me to essentially break in. I looked up at the window and sized the jump. Too easy.
My muscles coiled as I crouched down and I sprung into the air, much higher than any human could jump, and landed on the windowsill. I looked inside, checking that the coast was clear, before lowering myself into the small space. The room was dark, but I could see perfectly due to my nocturnal eyes. The room contained cases and boxes. I took a small peak inside a few; the boxes held shirts, wrist bands and posters and the cases contained instruments. There were guitars, basses, parts of drum kits and a microphone, along with a few stands for all of the instruments. I assumed that they belonged to the band that would be playing there.
I silently manoeuvred my way past the cases and boxes, towards the door. Opening it a fraction of an inch, I looked down the hallway; there was no one in sight. I stepped out the door and shut it silently behind me before turning and making my way down the brightly lit hallway. I seemed odd to me that no kind of security was patrolling the halls. But I wasn’t complaining. The light was harsh on my sensitive eyes, but humans were like that. They feared the dark and bathed in the light. It was sick, really. It was sick how humans took comfort in something that was so deadly to me.
I put on my poker face as I walked past the few people that did start to appear as I grew closer to the actual main room of the club; assumedly they were people who worked there. I could faintly hear their heartbeats and it was incredibly tempting just to lash out and snag one or two of them, but I stopped myself from leaping out and drinking them dry.
I found a door that lead back to the main area of the club. It wasn’t hard to find, all I had to do was follow the sound of people yelling, talking and laughing. The glorious sounds of over a hundred unsuspecting humans all packed tightly into the one space. I loved how ignorant they were, because it made my job so much easier.
I slipped past the guard that stood at the door and made my way through the crowd of people tightly tucked into the small club. I found the back and leaned against the wall where a few others stood, ones that weren’t so excited about the band but were there just for the sake of it. If I weren’t looking for a meal that would probably be me. Some were smoking, some were drinking and some were just trying to escape from the crowd.
I bent my knee, propping the bottom of my foot up on the wall behind me. Leaning back, I crossed my arms over my chest and felt my vest stretch over my back. I decided to stay to see the band and find. Just for something to do, to pass the time between picking the perfect meal and eating my meal. Perhaps I’d enjoy them.
The lights in the already dully lit club went out and the lights on the pathetically small excuse for a stage started flashing, irritating my eyes a little. The crowd packed closer to the barrier and started screaming. I saw four figures walk onto the stage, but this, only my eyes could pick up. Three were holding guitars, two normal and one bass, one sitting up at a drum kit and the one with the bass guitar stood in the centre of the stage, closer to the crowd, where there was a microphone on a stand for him.
The music started. It was heavy guitar, bass and drums. The vocals started, they were being screamed, but when it reached the chorus arrived the vocals were clean. Normally it would be my kind of music, except this band was fucking terrible. To distract myself, I focussed a little more on their faces; I could see every feature of the band all the way from the back. My eyes could pick up things that normal human eyes couldn’t, the same goes with my ears and my sense of smell. All of my senses had been heightened tenfold when I was changed.
No one in the band was particularly attractive. They all wore make up and had black hair but all looked bad in some way. I didn’t really like their sound, it was just a clash of instruments and vocals.
If I was to be completely honest, it sounded more like a car crash than music.
After deciding that I was done listening to the horrible sound of the poor example of a band in front of me I went back to my search for a meal, tuning out the terrible sound. I smelled the air, the scent of smoke, alcohol, weed and sweat infiltrated my sensitive nose. But there was also a sickly sweet smell. It was wonderful. I determined where the smell was coming from and zeroed in on a lonely looking boy with shortish black hair and black painted nails. I smiled to myself.
“Perfect,” I said as I walked slowly through the crowd.
Next Chapter