Busy birthday week was busy

Mar 07, 2011 12:28

Okay, last entry I talked about these plans I had for my birthday. Basically, going out to dinner a few times, because none of the people I love can seem to get together; and I really wanted to go to the Media Film Festival that was happening during the week. It seems, that I failed to take into account that I hate going out everyday of the week and I had pretty much set it up that I would be going out every day of the week. Good job self.

Some people already know the outcome because I complained to them about it. By the end of the week, I was burnt out. This might make me sound like I’m a bit crazy, but I am certain that by the time Friday rolled around, it felt like my brain was on fire. I know now to never, ever, ever do that again. I am not built for that physically or emotionally. I need my down time. For clarification purposes: “downtime” does not include sleeping.

Monday was by far the best. It was the night before my birthday and it was completely casual. I went over to my boyfriend’s, we went out to dinner at a place close by him, and then we came back and watched part of the Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix with the Rifftrax on. (Side note: It’s a good rifftrax. I am satisfied I spent $3.99 on it. It feels as though it’s worth it. I still think Chamber of secrets was the funniest.) Then at midnight, he gave me my card and present and wished me happy birthday. I loved it, I really did.

On Tuesday, my actual birthday, we went out again. Thinking back, it seems like a bit much to celebrate Tuesday when Monday was just so awesome. However, we like to take special occasions to go to special places that we normally wouldn’t on dates. For instance I took him to the restaurant in the Dupont Hotel in Wilmington, Delaware and he took me to this restaurant called “Harry’s Savoy Grill”.

We had been there once before about a year ago. It was really random too. We always drive by it when we’re heading to the movie theater that I like and one day he just said we should try it. We had no idea that it was as expensive as it was. We ended up ordering sandwiches. This was fine. I should mention it was also a Friday and Lent at the time. So, I ordered fish. I wanted to try it again without the restriction of not being able to have meat. This trip, I had goose. This was my first time having goose. I thought it would be more like chicken or duck. Turns out it’s not like either of those. In fact, I would think it was more like beef in way. It was good though. They served it with Trumpet mushrooms and this mustard sauce. Delicious.

I also had a red wine. I don’t drink often, so, yes this is worth taking note of. I cannot for the life of me remember what it was exactly, but I do remember that the brand name was called “Writer’s Block” and that spoke to me.

We cut that night fairly short because I was going out again, and honestly with it being my birthday I had this distinct feeling of: It’s my birthday, with everything I have to do, I would really like to just do noting for a bit. Tom was very good at understanding and I love him for that.

Wednesday was a very nice family dinner. This is the more traditional way that I celebrate my birthday. Since I was about 17-years-old, my family would do a dinner and movie sort of combo when it came to birthdays. What sort of sucks though is that even into March, all the money is pretty much used up for Christmas. My birthday is the first one of the year in my family-My mother’s is 6 days after mine-and we sometimes just don’t have the spare money. This year was good though. I didn’t have a movie but honestly, I didn’t want one. I am still waiting on the carrot cake I was promised 5 years ago. It’s sort of become a running joke in my family.

Thursday was interesting. It is typically a girl’s night for me and a friend of mine. We try and meet twice a month. Which, is an improvement from the once a month visits we could manage. She’ll be moving soon however and I think we might just make those visits on Saturday night after her husband goes out and the baby is in bed.

Right now though, we try and go out twice a month. We go shopping and go to dinner usually. A few times we have mentioned bars and clubs but that hasn’t happened yet. Since the Media Film Festival was going on, I decided we could swing by and see that.

We were about a half hour late, because we could not find the location of the Media community center. Oh, there was also a massive crash on the highway that shut it down. Traffic was horrible. Once we got into Media though, we had to call a friend of hers. Then we stopped by a school and ask a nun coming out for directions. We did find it eventually. It was dead in this place but considering it was a Thursday night, which might have been anticipated. When Tom and I went the next night on a Friday, it was packed.

By Saturday I was so tired, I asked my brother if he really wanted to go and would he hate me if I said I didn’t want to. We didn’t go. I was happy. It was a nice little film festival but really, I was just too tired and the thought of going out at night again was daunting. I really prefer going out during the day on the weekends. We did go out a bit. We had lunch and then went to see The Adjustment Bureau (It’s a great movie! I loved it. We kept making supernatural jokes about it and I swear I saw Eric Kripke’s name in the credits.). And we did get home by 7pm. That was all I wanted.

I am thinking, if I just make these posts on the days they happen, it might not lead to a 2 page entry.

friends, family, random, movie, supernatural, birthday, fandom: harry potter, food

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