Dorky fandom moment of the day: I recently discovered how to put different ring tones on my phone. (It’s a new phone >.<) My ringtone is now the opening music from the original Zelda game and my text notification is the sound chime that happens when you discover a secret in the game. Just the thought of this still makes me smile.
In other dorky fandom moments news, I handed in my fest entry last night and am anxious just to get the confirmation email. Just so I know that I sent it to the right people. For some reason double checking the email address several times has not offered me very much comfort. Damn my anxiety with subtle OCD tendencies. Really, they probably got it. I’m probably going to get back a whole email of how much it sucks. I really don’t think it was my best writing.
I plan to redeem myself to…myself in the upcoming fest at
lilyjames_fest. Hopefully I get in! But before then, I have another thing to write for. Though, this plot is much easier for me to wrap my head around. After that I do plan on getting back to posting my WIP and getting to those gifts I promised from way back in the far past of late November. I also have a very late story for a fest that I am assuming my friend does want me to finish since she brought it up last night XD.
Everything will get done. I am sure of that. It’s going to take time. Writing takes time as anyone who writes knows.
This was entirely what my weekend consisted of. This actually felt good to be honest. I haven’t had a weekend to just devote to pointless fandom things in a while.
One last bit of news: I am scared for the RPG.