I have to admit I kinda miss my phone

Nov 20, 2010 11:34

Shocking I know. But dammit, I really do like my palm pixie. It's a very good phone. The camera is much clearer (as you can see by those pictures in my last post), so I don't need a camera now which is nice. Personally I've found that even digital camera pictures can kinda suck but for some reason, I am very satisfied with my pictures through my palm pixie. (Good job phone. Good job.) It has a GPS that talks to me when I hook it up through the AUX which I really like! I don't even need to buy a GPS! Which is a load off because for me to buy a GPS is going to take a great deal of research. Their not all good and personally if I am spending anything over 100 dollars, I'm doing my freaking research. (So again, good job phone!)

I also LOVE that it has Pandora on it. Pandora is awesome. Really I have nothing more to say about that except that it's awesome. Oh, and yeah I miss being able to text people lol. That's important too cause now I feel kinda out of the loop. Even if I didn't reply back very fast, it was nice to be kept up to date on things.

So, here's hoping the phones will be turned back on before the beginning of the new year!

In the mean time, I'm adjusting. Social Networks are actually useful now. And google maps is making me more aware of streets and routes. I can actually talk to my coworkers without them judging me for not knowing street names...especially of places that I've lived around for the whole of my life. In a way, not being lazy is educating me. Which is also good. The more you learn and what not.

This is a rather random post but I was looking at my phone and this is what popped into my head.

problems, phone, computer, random

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