Moving along...

Aug 01, 2012 14:08

So, yeah, busy busy busy.

I finally got the Horn shipped off yesterday.  I decided that I didn't want to give the Postal Inspector a reason to open the box and so I let the (flammable) epoxy putty dry another 24 hours so it wouldn't set off their sniffers and lead them to believe there might be a bomb inside.  Details. So, Boromir can finally blow his horn sometime around the 3rd.  The stamp for the belt is being manufactured for me.  I finally had to admit defeat on making it myself.  It should be arriving sometime early next week.  After that, the belt will go very quickly.

The Scout is progressing nicely, I am beginning to believe it will actually get done, despite an anxiety dream where I was wearing the whole costume but the handle was missing from my sword.  I have revised my plans for it and it will now be stacked leather, not wood.  I still have some grand ideas for some shiny stuff on it, but I will construct the handle so that if there isn't time, it will still look good.

And now, some progress!

This is the design for the belt pattern.  It's gorgeous, and I don't mind having a stamp that does this.  I will have to make one for myself, I think.  Anyone else want one?

This is the sword frog.  It's designed so the sword can be swung up behind me and the handle pointing down.  Does not do for a scout to have things that stick out and can be caught on things.

And the scabbard in place.  I haven't decided whether to use a leather thong or silk ribbon for the tie.

The hunting quiver, scabbard, and frog.  Notice a theme?

Close-up of the hunting quiver with the tourmalines mounted.  I still need to put in the garnets. I don't know why I'm putting that off.

Close-up of the pouch.  Of all the bits on this piece I am most dissatisfied with this part.

Aaand I *was* going to post some pics of the skirt faulds, but LJ decided to stop uploading.  I'll get to those later I guess.

All in all, the theme of the costume is the two trees of Aman.  Gold and silver vining on just about everything, including the handle of the sword, if I can get there.  I have this idea that if I can pull it off will look amazing.  I have a hockey buddy who has volunteered his time and wood for a bow, so that takes a huge load off my plate.  WHY DO I PLAN THESE THINGS SO LARGE? THEY ONLY EVER GET BIGGER!  I just want it to be all the beautiful all the amazing and all the OMG WOW.  That's all.  Well, that and all the "I want one of those, how much does that cost?" for my company.

ION, I am very excited to be meeting up with a couple of my Twitter followers at Dragon*Con!  One was already coming down from the Albany area (that would be you, Dave) and I talked Michelle into coming up for Saturday- I think she's in your neighborhood, wicked_swann  Their twitter handles are @punslingerr and @scarlettmoriel, very cool peeps I am very much looking forward to meeting IRL.  Over beer. Or wine. AND FOOD!  latunda will be meeting up with one of her blogger friends too.  CANNOT WAIT.  Well, yes I can because there's still ALL THE COSTUMING to do, but y'all get the idea.  And, Craig!

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