I have food poisoning. yay.
So, my exciting news is that I have been asked to be a guest interviewee on Sean Astin's new radio show Vox Populi - go follow him at @HostVoxPopuli to join in on the conversations. We were going to do it last Thursday but we were totally co-opted by the Amendment One issue and he needed to discuss that instead. Eventually we'll get to my topic- capital punishment. My master's thesis was all about the very real problems with the unequal application of Atkins v. Virginia where the Supreme Court said no, you can't execute someone with mental retardation.
Only problem is, SCOTUS left it to the states to define MR and as a result, due to the limitations of the testing instruments we use to diagnose MR, an individual might be eligible for the death penalty in one state but not in another.
Yeah, that's fair.
Anyway, Sean has my bio and we will probably be doing some pre-recording in a month or so.
Pretty cool, yo.
And I just wanna throw out there that
finarfiniel is too damn cool. Thanks for the phone call. I still feel like ass but now I am also happy and excited about D*Con again. I am now going to go trace out my blade and start doing scabbard designs.