So I wrote a smile fic.....but I hate it. I think I'm gonna write another one, more angsty, I already see it forming. I'm not gonna just waste what I just wrote though. So here's the first smile fic...which seriously, I don't like at all.
Title: Perfect Flaw
Pairing: RyoPi
Rating: G [Honestly cannot bring myself to write something more provocative]
Disclaimer: Though I wish I owned these boys, I sadly don't.
Ryo looks up and smirks at Pi in greeting, Pi flashing him a quick smile before sitting across from the raven-haired boy. Ryo softens his look as his lip curve up and part to show his straight teeth. Those smiles are reserved for each other. No one else gets to see often. Partly because Pi doesn’t like his own smile and because Ryo would rather brood or smirk at the camera. Mostly, though, it’s because it’s what they love about each other the most. Especially Ryo. He loves Pi’s smile, when it’s unembarrassed, uninhibited, unafraid. Yamapi does not like his smile. In fact, he dislikes it so much, fans of his rarely ever see his true smile. A slight tugging of the lips, that are pressed together, does not count as a smile. In pictures he is usually serious or puckering at the camera. When he was younger he smiled a lot more, but as time passed he stopped smiling as widely. Maybe it was to feed his sexy new image, but somehow Ryo doubted it. Pi even started covering his mouth with the back of his hand whenever he spoke or laughed on screen.
Ryo knows that this is because of his teeth. Particularly the two top front ones. They turn in, towards each other. He’s clearly uncomfortable with them. Everyone in NewS has gorgeous teeth. Massu’s 100,000-watt smile could outshine the sun. Koyama’s little white chompers accent his face perfectly. Shige’s mouth is full of big, white, straight teeth. And Ryo, well, Ryo’s smiles are sheer marvels, and his gorgeous teeth certainly have something to do with it. Perhaps that is why Teshi felt pressured to fix his teeth. His new pearly whites are amazing and match his sexy new personality. He never seemed all that uncomfortable, though. When he laughs his whole mouth is open in glee and he throws his head back, allowing full view of his teeth. But he does seem to smile a lot more, and more widely at that.
So why doesn’t Pi get his teeth fixed? Ryo won’t let him. Ryo loves his smile, just the way it is. It is endearing to him, because it shows that Pi has a flaw. Pi is expressionless, always has a façade on of strength and perfection. The fact that his teeth are crooked makes Ryo love him even more. Plus, this means that Pi’s real smiles are reserved for Ryo alone, for when they are together having fun. This shows just how close they are. Pi is comfortable enough to drop his guard and allow himself to smile his full smile. His whole face brightens up, filling him with warmth.
“You’re late,” accuses the older man, “I had to order for you.”
“I know,” laughs the other. More smiling. “Johnny wanted to talk to me.”
“Oh?” Ryo’s right eyebrow flies up.
“He asked me to get them fixed again.”
“And you said…?”
Yamapi laughs again. “No, of course.”
Ryo sighs and smiles. That damn Kitigawa should learn to lay off already. He may have control over what they do career-wise…and pretty much how they live, but Pi’s teeth are strictly off-limits. Ryo had asked Takki, Pi’s Papa, to step in on this one the first time the old geezer had demanded Pi do something about them. Everyone knew Takki was the only one Kitigawa ever listened to. He wouldn’t say no to his favorite Johnny. Ever since them, the old man simply *suggested* that they be fixed, and every time, Pi said no - to please Ryo, of course.
When the waitress comes to give them their dishes, Pi looks up to find Ryo staring at him, lost in thought. Pi merely smiles again and begins to eat.